

Eje de Trabajo
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Women in business and management: survey report for Antigua and Barbuda, 2019 
The report provides stakeholders in the community – media, funders, business support organizations, elected officials, service providers, customers, and women themselves – with information and intelligence that can inform practices, policies and advocacy efforts that encourage the professional development of women in our society.
Alcance | Nacional: Antigua and Barbuda
Women in Business and Management: Gaining Momentum in the Caribbean, 2018 
This report responds to the need for further research into women in business and management in the Caribbean to provide companies and EBMOs with the very information they could benefit from.
Labour Law Guide for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
This Guide provides a single access point for labour laws in the OECS, covering all significant areas in the sub-region. It is derived from various labour laws, regulations and international labour law standards that have been ratified by Member States of the OECS and their Constitutions.
Tipo | Guías
Membership strategies and policies – A Manual for EBMOs
Membership strategies and policies – A Manual for EBMOs fills a resource gap by taking an original and highly practical approach to the topic of EBMO membership.
Tipo | Guías
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Driving up Resilience A Guide for Employer and Business Membership Organizations
Reading this work can be taken as an exercise to 1) understand crises’ resilience and identify their gaps towards this goal, 2) learn and be inspired from other EBMOs around the world, and 3) improve their own resilience capacities.
Tipo | Guías
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Women’s Economic Empowerment – Good Practices from National Employers’ Organisations & Partner Companies
This compilation, which is part of the IOE’s and ILO ACT/EMP’s continued collaboration under Women in Business and Management, aims to provide employers and their representative organisations with examples of initiatives that the different member federations have embarked upon to empower women in their organisations and economies in a bid to optimize their potential to...
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Employers' and Business Member Organizations training resources
One of the central roles of the Programme for Employers’ Activities is providing capacity-building support for ILO employers’ constituents in the area of management of Employers’ and Business Member Organizations.
Tipo | Guías
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Changing Business and Opportunities for Employer and Business Organizations
ILO-IOE report focuses on trends that are changing business models and their impact on employers and business organizations.
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Analysis of the activities of employer and business membership organizations in the COVID-19 pandemic and what comes next
Employer and business membership organizations (EBMOs) across the globe have been at the forefront of helping the businesses they represent to weather the COVID 19 crisis. EBMOs around the world have stepped up to deliver crucial services and amplify the business voice amid the sheer enormity of the COVID-19 crisis.
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Employers’ and business member organizations and sustainable development goals
This Handbook aims to provide key information on what the SDGs are and why they are relevant for the private sector; inspire with examples of SDGs-related activities implemented by other EBMOs; give guidance on how to assert the leadership of EBMOs in representing the voice of business, and use their convening power to bring business...
Tipo | Guías
Alcance | Nacional: Global