Mujer en la gestión empresarial


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Women in Business and Management: Gaining Momentum in the Caribbean, 2018 
This report responds to the need for further research into women in business and management in the Caribbean to provide companies and EBMOs with the very information they could benefit from.
Women in business and management: survey report for Antigua and Barbuda, 2019 
The report provides stakeholders in the community – media, funders, business support organizations, elected officials, service providers, customers, and women themselves – with information and intelligence that can inform practices, policies and advocacy efforts that encourage the professional development of women in our society.
Alcance | Nacional: Antigua and Barbuda
Women’s Economic Empowerment – Good Practices from National Employers’ Organisations & Partner Companies
This compilation, which is part of the IOE’s and ILO ACT/EMP’s continued collaboration under Women in Business and Management, aims to provide employers and their representative organisations with examples of initiatives that the different member federations have embarked upon to empower women in their organisations and economies in a bid to optimize their potential to...
Alcance | Nacional: Global
Las mujeres empresarias en América Central
Este informe que incluye cuatro estudios de caso detallados sobre América Central en los que se demuestran diversos factores que influyen sobre la toma de decisiones de las mujeres respecto a la iniciativa empresarial. Los estudios muestran que la mejora de las oportunidades económicas para las mujeres empresarias no sólo beneficia a las propias mujeres...
Alcance | Nacional: Costa Rica, El Salvador, México, Panamá
Panorama mundial: La mujer en cargos directivos y de gestión en las organizaciones de empleadores
Este documento presenta datos recopilados de una encuesta mundial realizada con organizaciones nacionales de empleadores para comprender el statu quo y la representación de las mujeres en funciones de gobierno, liderazgo y gestión dentro de las organizaciones de empleadores.
Alcance | Nacional: Global
A global snapshot: Women leaders and managers in employers’ organizations
This paper presents data collected from a global survey conducted with national employers’ organizations to understand the status quo and representation of women in governance, leadership and management roles within employers’ organizations.
Alcance | Nacional: Global
La mujer en la gestión empresarial: Cobrando impulso en América Latina y el Caribe
Este informe se centra en la creciente participación de la mujer en la gestión y dirección de empresas en América Latina y el Caribe, y aporta información y datos sobre la región y su comparación con otras regiones. Las organizaciones nacionales de empleadores en América Latina y el Caribe tienen una función estratégica y oportuna...
Alcance | Nacional: Regional
Women in Business and Management: gaining momentum in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report brings together available data and ILO statistics to provide a comprehensive, up to-date and global picture of women in the business world and in management positions.
Alcance | Nacional: Regional
Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum
This report highlights the business case for gender diversity and the obstacles women still face as well as ways to move ahead, underlining the fact that women’s presence in the labour market is increasingly significant for economic growth and development at both enterprise and national levels. It advocates for a greater role for national business...
Alcance | Nacional: Global
La mujer en la gestión empresarial: Cobrando impulso
En el informe se destacan no solo los obstáculos que todavía enfrentan las mujeres, sino también las ventajas de negocios de la diversidad de género, ofreciendo recomendaciones sobre el camino a seguir.
Alcance | Nacional: Global